Ways to Manage Hypertension Effectively

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the result of increased stress levels on your heart and blood vessels. It can result in several health imbalances and expose the body to a risk of fatal diseases like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and aneurysm. It has also been observed that the incidence of hypertension has increased rapidly over the years and affects the rural populations in equal measure as compared to their urban counterparts, making it a widely chronic disease across the country. It has also been projected that the number of people with hypertension will increase to 214 million by the year 2025, with nearly equal numbers of men and women.

A pressing concern among healthcare practitioners is regarding the majority of people suffering from hypertension being unaware of this underlying health problem which affects them, due to which their cases remain undetected, which puts them under risk. While we cannot deny that high blood pressure is a serious condition, the fact of the matter is that it can be controlled by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and also by following certainly do’s and don’ts recommended by medical professionals.

Here, Dr. Bhaskar Shukla, the best Neurologist in Gurgaon / Green Park New Delhi have listed a few points that need to be observed if you have high blood pressure.

Watch the weight: It’s amazing what losing a few pounds can do to maintaining your blood pressure. As hypertension rises with the increase in a person’s weight, reducing the weight can benefit people with pre-hypertension. It will benefit individuals suffering from sleep apnea, which causes a rise in blood pressure and makes the heart beat erratically.

Eat wisely: Foods loaded with fats are a strict no for individuals with hypertension. Also, foods that contain a high amount of salt, carbohydrates, and sugar do not bode well for the blood pressure. I would recommend eating protein-rich foods, fruits, and green vegetables in large quantities. Think green leafy salads, fish, dry fruits, and lots, and lots of fruit.

Indulge in exercise: A regular workout can revive the energy levels of the body which will bring your blood pressure to a standard balance. Cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, skipping, bicycling can strengthen the heart as well as lower the blood pressure. However, it is of crucial importance that you do not overdo your workout.

Quit smoking: Every cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure drastically. Stopping your constant nicotine addiction will revive your blood pressure to return to normal. Quitting cigarettes can reduce your risk of heart disease and enhance your overall health. People who quit smoking are set to benefit as they gain more strength and fitness as compared to people who never quit smoking.

Get sound sleep: Your blood pressure takes a dip when you are getting sound sleep. It is necessary to maintain your sleep cycle, or else it might affect your blood pressure negatively. It is vital to get a minimum of 7 hours of rest at night and avoid untimely naps in the day that would disrupt the balance.

Relieve your stress: Stress hormones constrict the blood flow. They are the prime reason for the untimely spike in blood pressure levels. You will benefit highly if you practice yoga, meditation, and other mental wellness exercises that will decrease your stress levels and help manage your blood pressure.

Seek support

A supportive set of friends and family will greatly contribute to your treatment for hypertension. While most of the efforts will be of your own doing, it really helps when you have companions in exercising, healthy eating, blood pressure monitoring, and more. If you are struggling with the lifestyle changes, these people will also be your cheerleaders to motivate you as you adjust to your new, hypertension managing lifestyle. Failing to take the recommended measures will force your health to go beyond the mere hypertension signs and symptoms, causing other conditions to creep in.

Managing hypertension is not something that is easy to accomplish on the first try, but with the desire to stay healthy and a support system, you will surely get to enjoy the fruits of your labors in the form of stable blood pressure!